Methods to Uninstall Avast Secure Internet browser

Using a manual uninstaller to take out Avast Protected Browser is not recommended. It can damage the operating system and leave behind recurring files.

Rather, use an deletion to erase Avast Protect Browser and also other related files. You can find a great uninstaller software online or download one to your personal computer. Once you have downloaded the device, run it. It will question you by virtue of you intend to uninstall Avast Secure Internet browser. If you do not select a reason, it will probably ask you to confirm. If you do not reply, the removal action can proceed.

Avast protect browser is normally located in the C: / ProgramData/ AVAST Software file. If you cannot locate this folder, you can search because of it in the search bar. If you can’t know where you should search for this, go to the Locater, right click, and select Go to Folder.

You can also get Apps & Features throughout the Start menu. It is a set of all the applications that are installed on your system. Also you can open it by simply pressing House windows key + I.

You can even disable Avast Secure Internet browser in the Control Panel. You can do this by simply going to the Beginning tab. You can even do this simply by opening the Adjustments app and clicking the „On Startup“ tile. There may be an option to kick off Avast web browser automatically when the system starts.

If you need to physically delete Avast secure web browser, you can do hence by starting the Applications folder. You can do this by selecting the Avast request and then hitting the Remove button. After you have done, you can close the dialog window.