BetMGM to promote responsible gaming in response to potential US ad ban

BetMGM has released a statement discussing its pledge to responsible gaming, which comes after The Betting on Our Future Act was announced.

Introduced into the House by Democratic representative, Paul Tonko, the bill proposes a wide-reaching ban on sports betting advertising.

The aim of the bill is to prohibit the advertising of sportsbooks on all electronic communication platforms. This would include advertising featured on the TV, radio and internet.

On the matter, Tonko said: “Sports betting advertisements are out of control. Congress needs to reel in an industry with the power to inflict real, widespread harm on the American people.“

In response, BetMGM released a statement detailing how it aims to tackle this latest development.

Part of its plan includes incorporating responsible gaming messages and banners into all of its digital, social and physical platforms. The messages would also be included on the printed billboard marketing.

Adam Greenblatt, CEO of BetMGM, said: “We are committed to leading the industry in promoting responsible gaming, which is why we’re announcing this unprecedented pledge to spotlight responsible gaming messaging in our advertising.

“As the legalized sports betting and online gaming industry continues to expand, it is vital that we not only equip players with tools and resources for how to play in a responsible and safe manner, but that we also make a significant commitment to showcasing responsible gaming in our advertising.”

The responsible gaming messages are developed in partnership with GameSense, a gaming program that focuses on building positive, proactive and transparent discussions with players about how they can gamble responsibly.